Phone Validator
Check phone number activity, carrier details, line type and more.
Timor-Leste Phone Numbers: Format, Area Code & Validation Guide
Are you developing an application that interacts with Timor-Leste phone numbers? This comprehensive guide provides you with the essential information and best practices for handling these numbers effectively. We'll cover formatting, validation, integration tips, common pitfalls, and even touch on the regulatory landscape. By the end of this guide, you'll be equipped to confidently manage Timor-Leste phone numbers within your applications.
Quick Overview of the Timor-Leste Numbering System
Let's start with the basics. Here's a quick overview of the key components of Timor-Leste's phone number structure:
- Country: Timor-Leste (officially the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste)
- Country Code: +670
- International Prefix: 00
- National Prefix: None
Timor-Leste's telecommunications infrastructure is relatively young, having evolved rapidly since the country's independence in 2002. This rapid development, while positive, means staying up-to-date with current practices is crucial for successful implementation. You should consider this a dynamic environment and be prepared for potential changes in the future.
Deep Dive into Timor-Leste's Numbering Plan
Timor-Leste uses a streamlined 7-digit numbering system, making it relatively straightforward to work with compared to some of its Southeast Asian neighbors. This simplified structure is a direct reflection of the country's modern telecommunications infrastructure. However, understanding the nuances of number categories and validation is essential for robust application development.
Core Number Structure and Categories
All Timor-Leste numbers adhere to a consistent 7-digit format after the country code. This predictable structure simplifies parsing and validation. Here's a TypeScript interface that encapsulates the key elements of a Timor-Leste phone number:
const COUNTRY_CODE = '+670';
interface TimorLesteNumber {
type: 'geographic' | 'mobile' | 'tollFree' | 'premiumRate';
format: string;
pattern: RegExp;
This interface defines the possible number types: geographic
, mobile
, tollFree
, and premiumRate
. Each type has a specific format and associated validation pattern, which we'll explore next.
Number Categories and Validation
The following table outlines the different number categories, their formats, examples, and corresponding validation regular expressions:
Service Type | Format | Example | Validation Regex |
Geographic | 2[1-5]\d{5} | 2112345 | /^2[1-5]\d{5}$/ |
Mobile | 7[2-8]\d{5} | 7721234 | /^7[2-8]\d{5}$/ |
Toll-Free | 800\d{4} | 8001234 | /^800\d{4}$/ |
Premium Rate | 900\d{4} | 9001234 | /^900\d{4}$/ |
You should use these regular expressions to validate user input and ensure data integrity within your application. Remember to always validate numbers before processing them further.
Implementing Best Practices for Validation
Here's a JavaScript utility function that demonstrates how to perform number validation using the regular expressions from the table above:
// Utility function for number validation
function validateTimorLesteNumber(number: string, type: string): boolean {
const patterns = {
geographic: /^2[1-5]\d{5}$/,
mobile: /^7[2-8]\d{5}$/,
tollFree: /^800\d{4}$/,
premiumRate: /^900\d{4}$/
// Remove any non-digit characters
const cleanNumber = number.replace(/\D/g, '');
// Check if the type exists in our patterns
if (!patterns[type]) {
console.error(`Unknown number type: ${type}`);
return false;
return patterns[type].test(cleanNumber);
// Example usage
const mobileNumber = '7721234';
console.log(validateTimorLesteNumber(mobileNumber, 'mobile')); // true
const invalidNumber = '+670-771-1234'; // Example of a common formatting error
console.log(validateTimorLesteNumber(invalidNumber, 'mobile')); // false
// Example with an unknown type
console.log(validateTimorLesteNumber(mobileNumber, 'unknown')); // logs error and returns false
This function cleans the input by removing non-digit characters and then uses the appropriate regular expression for validation. Notice the added error handling for unknown types, which is a best practice you should always incorporate. Remember, robust validation is key to preventing unexpected behavior in your application.
Practical Implementation Guide
Now that you understand the structure and validation rules, let's delve into practical implementation. This section will guide you through formatting, error handling, and other essential considerations.
1. Number Formatting for International and Local Contexts
Consistent number formatting is crucial for interoperability. You should adhere to the E.164 format (+670XXXXXXX
) for storing numbers, as this is the internationally recognized standard. However, you might want to present numbers in a more user-friendly format for display purposes.
Here's a JavaScript function that formats numbers for both international and local contexts:
function formatTimorLesteNumber(number: string, international: boolean = false): string {
const cleaned = number.replace(/\D/g, '');
if (international) {
return `+670 ${cleaned}`;
return cleaned.replace(/(\d{3})(\d{4})/, '$1 $2'); // Local format: XXX XXXX
// Example usage
const number = '7721234';
console.log(formatTimorLesteNumber(number, true)); // +670 7721234
console.log(formatTimorLesteNumber(number)); // 772 1234
This function provides flexibility for displaying numbers in different contexts while maintaining a consistent internal representation. Remember, using E.164 for storage ensures compatibility with various telecommunications systems.
2. Robust Error Handling
Error handling is paramount for any robust application. You should anticipate potential issues and implement appropriate error handling mechanisms.
Here's an example of how to incorporate error handling into your validation and formatting logic:
function validateAndFormat(number: string): string | null {
try {
if (!number) {
throw new Error('Phone number is required.');
const cleaned = number.replace(/\D/g, '');
if (cleaned.length !== 7) {
throw new Error('Phone number must be 7 digits.');
// Perform type-specific validation (e.g., using validateTimorLesteNumber)
if (!validateTimorLesteNumber(cleaned, 'mobile')) { // Assuming it's a mobile number for this example
throw new Error('Invalid mobile number format.');
return formatTimorLesteNumber(cleaned);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Validation error: ${error.message}`);
return null; // Or handle the error differently based on your application's needs
// Example usage
console.log(validateAndFormat('7721234')); // 772 1234
console.log(validateAndFormat('123')); // Validation error: Phone number must be 7 digits. null
console.log(validateAndFormat('')); // Validation error: Phone number is required. null
console.log(validateAndFormat('2111234')); // 211 1234 (Geographic number)
This example demonstrates how to handle missing numbers, incorrect lengths, and invalid formats. You should tailor your error handling to your specific application requirements, whether it's displaying error messages to the user or logging errors for debugging.
Technical Considerations and Integration Checklist
When integrating Timor-Leste phone number handling into your system, consider the following checklist:
- E.164 Formatting: Store all numbers in E.164 format for consistency and interoperability.
- Carrier Detection: Implement carrier detection logic for mobile numbers, if required. For example, you can identify operators like Timor Telecom, Telkomcel, and Telemor based on prefixes (as shown in the original article's operator identification section). This can be useful for routing calls or providing carrier-specific information.
- Comprehensive Validation: Validate all number types using the provided regular expressions or similar robust methods.
- Error Handling: Implement thorough error handling for invalid inputs, network issues, and other potential problems.
- International Dialing Rules: Configure international dialing rules correctly, especially if your application handles calls or SMS messages.
By following this checklist, you can ensure a smooth and reliable integration.
Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them
Let's discuss some common pitfalls developers encounter when working with Timor-Leste phone numbers and how you can avoid them.
1. Invalid Formatting
One of the most frequent mistakes is using incorrect formatting. For example, using hyphens or spaces within the 7-digit subscriber number is a common error. Always store numbers in the E.164 format (+670XXXXXXX
) and only format them for display purposes.
2. Missing Validation
Another common pitfall is neglecting validation. Never assume user input is valid. Always validate numbers before storing or processing them to prevent data corruption and unexpected behavior.
3. Ignoring Edge Cases
Don't forget about edge cases. For instance, what happens if a user enters a number with leading or trailing spaces? Test your code with various inputs, including invalid and unexpected ones, to ensure robustness.
Regulatory Compliance with the ANC
The Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ANC) is the regulatory body overseeing telecommunications in Timor-Leste. You should stay informed about ANC regulations to ensure compliance. This includes adhering to number formatting standards, data protection requirements, and other relevant guidelines. You can find more information on the ANC website ( Failure to comply with ANC regulations can lead to service disruptions and penalties.
As mentioned in the provided additional context, Timor-Leste has been actively working on improving its telecommunications infrastructure, including the development of its first international submarine cable link. This is part of the Timor Digital 2032 program, which aims to enhance digital services and the ICT sector. This is important for you as a developer because it signals potential future changes and improvements to the telecommunications landscape.
Furthermore, the liberalization of the telecommunications sector, which led to the licensing of two new operators (Telemor and Telkomcel) in 2012, has significantly increased competition and improved service affordability. This is relevant to your work because it highlights the importance of considering multiple operators and their respective offerings when developing your application. You might need to adapt your code to handle numbers from different carriers, especially if you're implementing carrier detection or specific integrations.
Network Operator Integration and Identification
Identifying the network operator associated with a mobile number can be valuable for various purposes, such as routing calls or applying operator-specific logic. Here's an updated version of the operator identification function, incorporating more operators and handling potential edge cases:
function identifyOperator(phoneNumber: string): string {
const cleanedNumber = phoneNumber.replace(/\D/g, ''); // Clean the input
if (cleanedNumber.length !== 7) { // Check for valid length
return 'Invalid Number';
const prefixMap = {
'772': 'Timor Telecom',
'773': 'Telkomcel',
'784': 'Telemor',
// Add more prefixes as needed
const prefix = cleanedNumber.substring(0, 3);
return prefixMap[prefix] || 'Unknown Operator';
// Example usage
console.log(identifyOperator('+6707721234')); // Timor Telecom
console.log(identifyOperator('7731234')); // Telkomcel
console.log(identifyOperator('7841234')); // Telemor
console.log(identifyOperator('123456789')); // Invalid Number
console.log(identifyOperator('7701234')); // Unknown Operator
This improved function cleans the input, handles invalid number lengths, and provides a default return value for unknown operators. You can expand the prefixMap
as needed to include more operators.
Future Considerations
The telecommunications landscape in Timor-Leste is constantly evolving. You should stay informed about potential changes to the numbering plan, regulatory updates, and the introduction of new technologies. Implementing flexible validation patterns and staying adaptable will help you maintain compatibility and avoid future issues.
This guide has provided you with a comprehensive understanding of Timor-Leste phone numbers, equipping you with the tools and knowledge to handle them effectively in your applications. Remember to prioritize best practices, maintain regulatory compliance, and stay adaptable to future changes. By following the guidelines and examples presented here, you can ensure a smooth and successful integration of Timor-Leste phone number functionality into your projects.