Phone Numbers in Ireland

Understanding Phone Numbers in Ireland

Quick Reference Guide

Comprehensive Overview

Discover the intricacies of Ireland's telephone numbering plan. This guide is essential for telecom professionals, developers, and system administrators seeking precise and current information on Irish phone numbers.

Number Formats Explained

General Structure

Ireland's phone numbers are categorized into geographic and non-geographic allocations. The typical format includes:

  • Country Code: +353
  • Area/City Code: 1-3 digits (for geographic numbers)
  • Subscriber Number: 5-7 digits (for geographic numbers)
  • Special Prefixes: Designated for mobile, toll-free, premium-rate, and shared-cost numbers.

Geographic Numbers (Landlines)

Geographic numbers are linked to specific areas in Ireland, following this structure:

Format: 0[1-9]X{5,7}

  • Area Code: 1-3 digits
  • Subscriber Number: 5-7 digits


  • Dublin: 01 234 5678
  • Cork: 021 123 4567
  • Galway: 091 123 456

Mobile Numbers

Mobile numbers in Ireland start with specific prefixes and generally have a 9-digit format.

Format: 08[3-9]XXXXXXX

  • Prefix: 083, 085, 086, 087, 089
  • Subscriber Number: 7 digits


  • 083 123 4567
  • 087 654 3210

Toll-Free Numbers

Toll-free numbers in Ireland begin with the prefix 1800 and are typically 10 digits long.

Format: 1800XXXXXX


  • 1800 123 456
  • 1800 654 321

Premium Rate Numbers

Premium rate numbers start with 15, followed by a digit indicating the service type, and are 10 digits long.

Format: 15[1-9]XXXXXXX


  • 1512 345 678
  • 1590 123 456

Shared Cost Numbers

Shared cost numbers in Ireland start with 1850 or 1890 and are 10 digits long.

Format: 18[59]0XXXXXX


  • 1850 123 456
  • 1890 654 321

Emergency Numbers

Emergency services in Ireland can be reached using the following numbers:

Format: 999 or 112


  • 999
  • 112

Technical Summary Table

Number TypeFormatExample
Geographic0[1-9]X7021 123 4567
Mobile08[3-9]XXXXXXX087 654 3210
Toll-Free1800XXXXXX1800 123 456
Premium Rate15[1-9]XXXXXXX1512 345 678
Shared Cost18[59]0XXXXXX1850 123 456
Emergency999, 112999, 112

Dialing Procedures

Domestic Calls

  • Landline to Landline: Dial the full number including the area code (e.g., 021 123 4567).
  • Landline to Mobile: Dial the full mobile number (e.g., 087 654 3210).
  • Mobile to Mobile: Dial the full mobile number (e.g., 087 654 3210).

International Calls

  • Outgoing: Dial 00 (international prefix) + Country Code + Local Number (e.g., 00 44 20 1234 5678 for a UK number).
  • Incoming: The caller should dial +353 followed by the local number without the leading 0 (e.g., +353 21 123 4567 for a Cork number).

Recent or Upcoming Changes

Recent Changes:

  • As of January 1, 2022, the non-geographic number ranges 1850, 1890, and 076 were withdrawn. These numbers were geo-rated during the transition period.

Upcoming Changes:

  • Ongoing reviews by ComReg may result in future adjustments to area codes and number lengths. Stakeholders should monitor ComReg's website for updates.

Number Portability

Ireland offers number portability for both mobile and fixed-line numbers. This service allows users to retain their existing phone numbers when switching between service providers. Mobile number portability has been available since 2004, and fixed-line portability since 2003.

Major Telecom Operators and Number Ranges

Major Operators

  • eir: Geographic and non-geographic numbers, including landlines and mobile.
  • Virgin Media: Broadband and telephony services with specific number ranges.
  • Three Ireland: Mobile services with dedicated number ranges.
  • Tesco Mobile: Mobile services with specific number ranges.

Number Ranges

OperatorNumber Range
eir01, 021, 086
Virgin Media021, 091
Three Ireland083, 085
Tesco Mobile089

ITU-T Standards and Recommendations

Ireland adheres to ITU-T recommendations for telephone numbering systems, ensuring compliance with international standards for numbering plans and dialing procedures. Specific recommendations applicable to Ireland include ITU-T E.164 and E.123.

Number Allocation and Management

The Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg) is responsible for the allocation and management of telephone numbers in Ireland. ComReg oversees the assignment of number ranges to telecom operators and ensures compliance with national and international regulations.

Technical Restrictions and Special Cases

There are no specific technical restrictions or special cases such as golden numbers or number blocking in Ireland's numbering system. However, certain number ranges are reserved for network use and cannot be allocated to end-users.

Technical Considerations

Regular Expressions for Validation

Developers can use the following regular expressions to validate Irish phone numbers:

  • Geographic Numbers:
  • Mobile Numbers:
  • Toll-Free Numbers:
  • Premium Rate Numbers:
  • Shared Cost Numbers:

Number Portability Considerations

When implementing number portability, ensure that systems are capable of handling ported numbers across different operators. This may involve querying a central database to determine the current operator of a ported number.

API Integration

For systems that require integration with telecom services, ensure that your API can handle various number formats and validate numbers against the correct regex patterns. Additionally, consider implementing real-time number portability checks to route calls correctly.

For the most up-to-date information on telecommunications regulations in Ireland, please consult the official website of the national telecommunications authority, ComReg.