Phone Numbers in Australia

Understanding Phone Numbers in Australia

Quick Reference Guide

  • Country: Australia
  • Country Code: +61
  • International Prefix: 0011
  • National Prefix: 0


Australia's telephone numbering plan is meticulously regulated by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA). This comprehensive guide delves into the structure and usage of phone numbers across Australia, covering formats for landlines, mobiles, toll-free numbers, and more, alongside dialing procedures and regulatory updates.

Number Formats

General Number Structure

Australian phone numbers are categorized by service type, including landline, mobile, and toll-free. Here's a breakdown of the key components:

  • Country Code: +61
  • Area Codes: 1-2 digits, specific to regions or services
  • Subscriber Number: 8-10 digits, varies by service

Geographic (Landline) Numbers

Geographic numbers are region-specific within Australia. The format is:

  • Format: 0 + Area Code + Subscriber Number
  • Example: 02 9876 5432 (Sydney)
RegionArea CodeExample Number
Central East (NSW, ACT)0202 9876 5432
South-east (VIC, TAS)0303 9123 4567
North-east (QLD)0707 3456 7890
Central and West (SA, NT, WA)0808 8123 4567

Mobile Numbers

Mobile numbers in Australia begin with 04 and are 10 digits long.

  • Format: 04XX XXX XXX
  • Example: 0412 345 678
Mobile PrefixExample Number
040412 345 678

Toll-Free Numbers

Toll-free numbers start with 1800 and are followed by 6 digits.

  • Format: 1800 XXX XXX
  • Example: 1800 123 456
PrefixExample Number
18001800 123 456

Premium Rate Numbers

Premium rate numbers, starting with 190, are used for services with additional charges.

  • Format: 190X XXX XXX
  • Example: 1902 345 678
PrefixExample Number
1901902 345 678

Shared Cost Numbers

Shared cost numbers begin with 13 or 1300, sharing costs between caller and provider.

  • Format: 13XX XXXX or 1300 XXX XXX
  • Example: 1300 654 321
PrefixExample Number
131300 654 321

Validating Phone Numbers

To ensure accurate phone number validation, use these regular expressions:

  • Geographic (Landline) Numbers:
  • Mobile Numbers:
  • Toll-Free Numbers:
  • Premium Rate Numbers:
  • Shared Cost Numbers:

Dialing Procedures

Domestic Calls

  • Landline to Landline: Dial 0 + Area Code + Subscriber Number.
    • Example: 02 9876 5432 (Sydney)
  • Landline to Mobile: Dial 04 + Mobile Number.
    • Example: 0412 345 678
  • Mobile to Mobile: Dial 04 + Mobile Number.
    • Example: 0412 345 678

International Calls

  • Outgoing from Australia: Dial 0011 + Country Code + National Number.
    • Example: To call the UK, dial 0011 44 20 7946 0958.
  • Incoming to Australia: Dial +61 + Local Number (omit the leading 0).
    • Example: From the US, dial 011 61 2 9876 5432 for a Sydney landline.

Regulatory Updates

The Australian Telecommunications Numbering Plan is continuously reviewed by ACMA. The current plan is valid until 2025, with potential updates expected to accommodate technological advancements.

Number Portability

Australia supports mobile number portability (MNP), allowing users to retain their mobile numbers when switching providers, promoting competition and consumer choice.

Major Telecom Operators

OperatorNumber Ranges
TelstraVarious across all regions
OptusVarious across all regions
VodafoneVarious across all regions

ITU-T Standards

Australia adheres to the ITU-T E.164 standard, ensuring uniformity and interoperability across global telecommunications networks.

Number Allocation and Management

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) oversees the allocation and management of phone numbers in Australia, ensuring compliance with international standards.

Technical Considerations

For developers and system administrators working with Australian phone numbers, consider the following:

  1. Normalization: Always normalize numbers to the international format (e.g., +61).
  2. Validation: Use the provided regular expressions to validate numbers based on their type.
  3. Portability: Be aware of number portability when designing systems that rely on carrier-specific routing.
  4. Time Zone Awareness: Australia spans multiple time zones; ensure that any time-sensitive operations account for this.

For the most up-to-date information on telecommunications regulations in Australia, please consult the official website of the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA).