Phone Numbers in Austria

Understanding Austria's Phone Numbering System

Quick Reference Guide

Overview of Austria's Telephone Numbering Plan

Austria's telephone numbering system is meticulously organized to facilitate both domestic and international communication. This guide delves into the structure of phone numbers, dialing procedures, number portability, and regulatory standards, providing essential insights for telecom professionals, developers, and businesses.

Numbering Plan Structure

General Number Structure

Austrian phone numbers follow a specific format:

  • Country Code: +43
  • National (Significant) Number: Comprises an area or service code and a subscriber number.
    • Area/Service Code: 1-4 digits
    • Subscriber Number: 4-12 digits

Number Format Breakdown

Type of NumberFormat ExampleRegex PatternDescription
Geographic Numbers01 234 5678^0[1-9]\d{3,11}$Geographic numbers with area codes ranging from 1 to 4 digits.
Mobile Numbers0664 123 4567^06[56789]\d{4,10}$Mobile numbers typically start with 06, followed by 4-10 digit subscriber numbers.
Toll-Free Numbers0800 123 456^0800\d{6,10}$Toll-free numbers start with 0800 and are 10-12 digits in length.
Premium Rate0900 123 4567^09[0369]\d{6,10}$Premium rate numbers start with 0900, 0903, etc., and are 10-12 digits.
Shared Cost0810 123 456^0810\d{6,10}$Shared cost numbers start with 0810 and are 10-12 digits in length.

Number Format Examples

Geographic Numbers

Area CodeExample NumberDescription
0101 234 5678Vienna
03160316 123 456Graz
04630463 123 4567Klagenfurt

Mobile Numbers

PrefixExample NumberDescription
06640664 123 4567A1 Telekom Austria
06990699 123 4567Magenta Telekom

Toll-Free Numbers

PrefixExample NumberDescription
08000800 123 456Toll-Free Service

Premium Rate Numbers

PrefixExample NumberDescription
09000900 123 4567Premium Rate Service

Shared Cost Numbers

PrefixExample NumberDescription
08100810 123 456Shared Cost Service

Dialing Procedures

Domestic Calls

  • Landline to Landline: Dial the full number, including the area code (e.g., 0316 123 456).
  • Landline to Mobile: Dial the mobile number directly (e.g., 0664 123 4567).
  • Mobile to Mobile: Dial the mobile number directly (e.g., 0699 123 4567).

International Calls

  • Outgoing: Dial the international prefix (00), followed by the country code, area code, and subscriber number. For example, to call a number in Germany: 00 49 30 1234567.
  • Incoming: Callers from abroad should dial +43 followed by the area code (without the leading 0) and the subscriber number. For example, to call Vienna from abroad: +43 1 234 5678.

Number Portability

Austria supports number portability across all major telecom operators, enabling subscribers to retain their numbers when switching providers. Introduced in 2004 for fixed-line numbers and in 2007 for mobile numbers, this follows the European Union's regulatory framework.

Major Telecom Operators and Number Ranges

A1 Telekom Austria0664, 0650Largest operator, offering mobile and fixed-line services.
Magenta Telekom0676, 0699Major mobile and internet service provider.
Drei (Hutchison)0660, 0680Mobile network operator.
Telekom Austria05Fixed-line services.

ITU-T Recommendations

Austria adheres to the ITU-T E.164 standard for international telephone numbering, ensuring all phone numbers are structured to a maximum of 15 digits, including the country code.

Number Allocation and Management

The Austrian telecommunications numbering plan is managed by the Rundfunk und Telekom Regulierungs-GmbH (RTR). The RTR oversees number range allocation, compliance with standards, and number portability management.

Technical Considerations

Regular Expressions for Validation

Here are some example regular expressions for validating Austrian phone numbers:

// Geographic Numbers

// Mobile Numbers

// Toll-Free Numbers

// Premium Rate Numbers

// Shared Cost Numbers

Special Cases

  • Golden Numbers: Some operators offer "golden numbers" (easily memorable numbers) for a premium.
  • Number Blocking: Generally managed at the operator level, based on service agreements with customers.

For the most up-to-date information on Austria's telecommunications regulations and numbering plan, please consult the official website of the national telecommunications authority, RTR.


Austria's telephone numbering system is well-structured and adheres to international standards, ensuring reliability for both domestic and international communication. Understanding these technical details is crucial for telecom professionals and businesses operating in or with Austria.